Faculty and Staff Directory
School Administration:
Roger Arbabi - Principal
Bob Edmiston - Associate Principal
Jamie Weekes - Assistant Principal, 504 Coordinator
Dr. Wendy St. James - Principal, Learning Center
Lyndsay Huntsman - CTE and PCCAPS Director
Jamie Sheetz - Athletics and Activities Director
School Administrative/Office Staff:
Holly Moline - Administrative Secretary
Kathy Esquivel - Attendance Secretary
Donna McManus - Finance Secretary
Settlemire - Receptionist
Helen McNulty - Secretary, Learning Center
Karen Yocum - Athletics Secretary
Shannon van Yperen - Student Wellness Specialist
Vanina Torreyra - Community Outreach Specialist
Art Boxall - School Resource Officer
Trent Jarman - Security and Parking
Allison Landis - School Nurse
Rebecca Day - Dean
Brad Bess - Lead Custodian
Counseling Department Staff:
Ashlee Jensen - Secretary
Dara Smith - Counselor, last names A-E
Heather Briley - Counselor, last names F-Lo
Elizabeth Moskal - Counselor, last names Lu-Ri
Mr. Shannon Hase - Counselor, last names Ro-Z
Samantha Walsh - Intervention and Support Counselor
Tarah Stowell - Social Worker
Pepper Elliot - Scholarship Advisor
Jennifer Frink - Registrar and Records
Counseling Department Pages
School Faculty and Staff:
For faculty and staff contact information, use the email Directory below:
Alcox, Debra - Mathematics, Science - dalcox@pcschools.us
Andres, Joanna - Social Studies - jandres@pcschools.us
Arbabi, Roger - Principal - rarbabi@pcschools.us
Bacon, Tara - Special Education - tbacon@pcschools.us
Barfield-Corrigan, Debra - CTE, PCCAPS Graphic Arts - dcorrigan@pcschools.us
Bevans, Mark - Spanish - mbevans@pcschools.us
Bevans, Shauna - English Language Arts - sbevans@pcschools.us
Bivens, Darrin - Mathematics - dbivens@pcschools.us
Briley, Heather - Counselor for last names F-Lo - hbriley@pcschools.us
Carreto, Lindsay - Bright Futures High School Program Coordinator- lcarreto@pcschools.us
Chinn, Jonathan - Social Studies - jchinn@pcschools.us
Christensen, Jeremy - Science - jvchristensen@pcschools.us
Cook, Ryan - CTE: Business - rcook@pcschools.us
Cunningham, Kelsey - Special Education - kcunningham@pcschools.us
Cuttitta, Steve - English Language Arts - scuttitta@pcschools.us
Davis, Devin - Choir - ddavis@pcschools.us
Edmiston, Bob - Assistant Principal - bedmiston@pcschools.us
Elliot, Mark - Art - melliot@pcschools.us
Elliot, Pepper - Scholarship Advisor - pelliot@pcschools.us
Erickson, Angie - MTSS - aerickson@pcschools.us
Esquivel, Kathy - Attendance Secretary - kesquivel@pcschools.us
Excell, Tyrel - Fine Art: Music/Band - texcell@pcschools.us
Feasler, David - CTE, PCCAPS - dfeasler@pcschools.us
Fernandez, Juan Carlos - Spanish jfernandez@pcschools.us
Fish, Kyle - CTE, Fine Arts - kfish@pcschools.us
Frink, Jennifer - Registrar and Records - jfrink@pcschools.us
Gallagher, Alison - Education Technology - agallagher@pcschools.us
Gannon, Brad - CTE, PCCAPS - bgannon@pcschools.us
Glass, Laura - Director of Special Education - lglass@pcschools.us
Goff, Brittanie - Mathematics - bgoff@pcschools.us
Goldberg, Josh - Social Studies - jgoldberg@pcschools.us
Hall, Rebekka - Student Support, Testing Coordinator - rhall@pcschools.us
Halls, Lori - Mathematics - lhalls@pcschools.us
Hardy, Tasha - Cheer Coach - thardy@pcschools.us
Hansen, Krischelle - Fine Art: Drama, Theater - khansen@pcschools.us
Hase, Shannon - Counselor for last names Ro-Z - shase@pcschools.us
Heise, Steven - Social Studies - sheise@pcschools.us
Henderson, Kelly - CTE, PCCAPS Computer Science - khenderson@pcschools.us
Hiatt, Melanie - Fine Art: Dance - mhiatt@pcschools.us
Hill, Kolten - Science - khill@pcschools.us
Hoffmeyer, Tyler - Technology Coach - thoffmeyer@pcschools.us
Huggins, Holly - Special Education - hhuggins@pcschools.us
Hughes, Bret - Eccles Director - bhughes@pcschools.us
Hunt, Robert - Eccles Tech - rhunt@pcschools.us
Janes, Eric - Mathematics - ejanes@pcschools.us
Jarman, Trent - Security, Parking - tjarman@pcschools.us
Jensen, Ashlee - Counseling Secretary - asjensen@pcschools.us
Jensen, Jason - Eccles Tech - jjensen@pcschools.us
Jessen, Cole - Physical Education, Health - cjessen@pcschools.us
Jobe, Jacob - English Language Arts - jjobe@pcschools.us
King, Mariah - Fine Art: Ceramics, Jewelry - mking@pcschools.us
Kochanek, Victoria - Occupational Therapist - vkochanek@pcschools.us
Kremer, Mark - English Language Arts - mkremer@pcschools.us
Landis, Allison - School Nurse - alandis@pcschools.us
Lanoue, Jessica - Social Studies, Student Council - jlanoue@pcschools.us
Lundin, Elizabeth - Mathematics - elundin@pcschools.us
Malpede-Shaw, Meagan - CTE, PCCAPS: EMR, Sports Medicine - mmalpede-shaw@pcschools.us
Marble, Eva - Fine Art: Orchestra, Choir - emarble@pcschools.us
Marshall, Trip - CTE: Aeronautics - rmarshall@pcschools.us
McKay, Paula - Social Studies - pmckay@pcschools.us
McManus, Donna - Finance Secretary - dmcmanus@pcschools.us
McNulty, Helen - PCLC Secretary - hmcnulty@pcschools.us
McQuaid, Elias - Psychologist - emcquaid@pcschools.us
Meade, Jane - Financial Literacy, Physical Education, Health - jmeade@pcschools.us
Miller, Melinda - Special Education - memiller@pcschools.us
Miskin, Bryan - CTE: Business - bmiskin@pcschools.us
Moffat, Melanie - Student Support: ELL, Dream Big - mmoffat@pcschools.us
Moline, Holly - Administrative Secretary - hmoline@pcschools.us
Montzingo, Josh - Physical Education, Health - jmontzingo@pcschools.us
Mooney, Gaylynn - Science: Chemistry - gmooney@pcschools.us
Morgan, Natalie - Social Studies - nmorgan@pcschools.us
Morone, Philip - Science: Environmental Science - pmorone@pcschools.us
Moskal, Elizabeth - Counselor for last names Lu-Ri - emoskal@pcschools.us
Mulick, Ed - Science: Biology - emulick@pcschools.us
Munzimi, Senior: Hall Monitor - smunzimi@pcschools.us
Murphy, George - Spanish - gmurphy@pcschools.us
Nagie, Matthew - Science: Physics - mnagie@pcschools.us
Niemeyer, Zach - Science: Chemistry - zniemeyer@pcschools.us
Nikolai, Melissa - English Language Arts - mnikolai@pcschools.us
Nordfelt, Lars - Mathematics - lnordfelt@pcschools.us
Parker, Mark - English Language Arts - mparker@pcschools.us
Patterson, Kari - CTE: FACS - kapatterson@pcschools.us
Payne, Andrea - Flex Learning Lab - apayne@pcschools.us
Perry, Melissa - Mathematics - mperry@pcschools.us
Peterson, Elaine - English Language Arts - epeterson@pcschools.us
Potts, Edward - English Language Arts - epotts@pcschools.us
Purzycki, Mary - CTE, Science - mpurzycki@pcschools.us
Rizzotto, Bernard - World Language: French - brizzotto@pcschools.us
Roundy, Heidi - MTSS Math - hroundy@pcschools.us
Schofield, Alisa - Science - aschofield@pcschools.us
Sheetz, Jamie - Athletics & Activities Coordinator - jsheetz@pcschools.us
Smith, Dara - Counselor for last names A-E - dsmith@pcschools.us
Smith, Lindy - Special Education - lismith-aux@pcschools.us
Stowell, Tarah - Social Worker - tstowell@pcschools.us
St. James, Wendy, Dr. - Principal PCLC- wstjames@pcschools.us
Star, Natalie - Fine Art: Photography - nstar@pcschools.us
Starley, Laura - Instructional Coach - lstarley@pcschools.us
Stratton, Michell - MTSS Language Arts - mstratton@pcschools.us
Sykes, Ann - Social Studies - asykes@pcschools.us
Taylor, Chris - Fine Arts: Music - ctaylor@pcschools.us
Thomas, Jed -
Mental Health Coach for PCSD - jthomas@pcschools.us
Torreyra, Vanina - Latino Outreach Coordinator - vtorreyra@pcschools.us
Ulrich, Jordan - CTE: CAD, Construction - julrich@pcschools.us
Valaika, Jennifer - English Language Arts - jvalaika@pcschools.us
van Yperen, Shannon - Student Wellness Specialist - svanyperen@pcschools.us
Waller, Kathleen - Science: Physics - kwaller@pcschools.us
Walsh, Samantha - Intervention Counselor - swalsh@pcschools.us
Weekes, Jamie - Assistant Principal - jweekes@pcschools.us
Ward, Jennifer - Special Education - jward@pcschools.us
Williams, Anna - English Language Arts, Debate - awilliams@pcschools.us
Williams, Cydnee - Social Worker - cwilliams@pcschools.us
Woolley, Adrienne - PCCAPS, Concurrent Enrollment - awoolley@pcschools.us
Yeates, Kelly - English Language Arts - kyeates@pcschools.us
Yocum, Karen - Sports Administrative Assistant - kyocum@pcschools.us
Zimmerman, Rita - Psychologist - rzimmerman@pcschools.us