Online Course Information
***IMPORTANT! Students and parents should discuss their education plans and outside credit options with their Counselor BEFORE taking ANY online/outside courses for credit.*** There are a lot of options for online learning these days and there are many important factors to consider, like is the program accredited*, will the online course meet PCHS graduation requirements, etc. Your Counselor can help you find the right program for your needs, but ultimately, all decisions regarding the selection and completion of outside credit courses are the responsibility of the student and parents.
"I’ve heard that online classes are easier than regular classes."
Actually, online classes can be more difficult to complete than live classes. There is more responsibility on the student to perform as the teacher is not in regular proximity to provide live encouragement. Successful online students need to be motivated, self-disciplined, and have good time management.
Is online learning right for me/my student?
Online learning is not for every student, but it can be an excellent choice for some. You do need to understand that learning online can be just as difficult and sometimes more difficult than taking a class in a traditional classroom. You can use the information and questions in this Is Online Learning Right for Me document to decide if online learning is right for you.
Attention Athletes!
If you plan to participate in NCAA Division I, II, or III athletics in college, it is your responsibility to make sure the online classes you choose meet NCAA eligibility requirements. Contact the online program directly and refer to the NCAA website IMPORTANT: If you took Utah Students Connect or Miners Online courses, DO NOT list Utah Students Connect or Miners Online as a separate school on your NCAA account. Park City High School is the school that awards you the grade and credit for those online courses.
How are online courses added to your PCHS official transcript?
Park City High School accepts high school credits from other educational institutions reflecting the appropriate accreditation*. See the Transfer Grades and Outside Credits section for important information on accreditation and how online classes are transcribed onto the Park City High School transcript. Park City High School must receive an OFFICIAL signed and sealed transcript DIRECTLY from the online school (via mail or secure online document service to our Registrar). We will not accept transcripts from students or parents, unless we receive them in an unopened physical envelope that was signed and sealed by the sending school. Park City High School reserves the right to deny credits that are not properly accredited or approved.
Choosing an Online Learning Program
Online learning should ALWAYS be discussed with your school counselor BEFORE enrolling in ANY program. Is the program appropriately accredited*--will PCHS accept the credits? Will the course meet PCHS graduation requirements? Your Counselor can help you find the right program for your needs, but ultimately, all decisions regarding the selection and completion of outside credit courses are the responsibility of the student and parent.
We've compiled a Comparison of Online Learning Programs for Grades 9-12 chart to help students and parents choose a program that best fits their needs. While this document provides an overview of the kinds of online providers available and important things to consider when deciding whether online learning is right for you, it is NOT a substitute for meeting with your counselor first.
ACCREDITATION: *PCHS will ONLY accept transcripts of academic credit from appropriately accredited institutions. Accreditation is an assessment of a school to determine if it meets the required federal and state standards. Online schools may be accredited by either a regional or national agency and are therefore measured as authentic and a standard for quality. Accreditation is evaluated regularly and schools can lose accreditation if students don’t meet educational standards or teachers don’t have the required educational backgrounds. Appropriate academic accreditors include Cognia (merged with NCA CASI, SACS CASI, and NWAC), MSA-CESS, NEASC, and WASC