Course Offerings
The Park City Learning Center Day Program offers core courses that 10th, 11th, and 12th graders need for graduation. Students enrolled at the Park City Learning Center take their elective courses at Park City High School. Please refer to the PCHS Course Catalog, the "Park City Learning Center Courses" section, for the full list of courses offered through the Learning Center. Below is a list of core course offerings:
Secondary Math 2
Secondary Math 3
Introductory Statistics
Earth Science
Environmental Science
Language Arts:
English 10
English 11
English 12
Academic Support Services
Every Learning Center teacher is available from 2:30-3:00 pm to meet with students and parents. Please contact them through their teacher page on this website, through PowerSchool, or by calling the Park City Learning Center at 435-645-5626.
Park City High School Support Services
Free tutoring services are available in all subjects. Please contact the counseling office at Park City High School for additional information.
The free Math/Science Tutoring Lab is available to any student enrolled in a math or science class. Drop by Monday through Thursday before school or during lunch. Room 247 for math and room 241 for science.
Park City Learning Center students are a part of Park City High School. Students enrolled at the Park City Learning Center will have credits entered on Park City High School transcripts and will earn a Park City High School Diploma if all district graduation requirements are met.
Summer School
Summer school is held each summer for credit recovery. Please contact your student's counselor for more information.