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Park City High School

New Student Enrollment

New Student Enrollment Process:

The New Student Enrollment process is for:
(1) Students who are NEW to the Park City School District
(2) FORMER students who are re-enrolling after having withdrawn from a Park City School District school previously. 

(Continuing PCHS students and rising TMJH students complete the Current Student Enrollment Update annually--see the Back to School Information page.)

New Students Enrolling for the 2025-26 School Year (Grades 9-12):  
The district will begin processing student enrollments for the 2025-26 school year in March. To enroll a new student, you will first complete the New Student Enrollment process with the District, see "STEP 1" below. You must have proof of residency within the Park City School District boundaries to enroll. If you have questions about residency requirements, please contact Karim Morrison in the District’s Enrollment Office (contact info below). 
AFTER the District has approved your new student’s enrollment, the PCHS Registrar will schedule your counselor appointment to discuss your student’s classes and graduation plan, see "STEP 2" below. Counselors are ONLY available to meet with new enrolling families May 1-30 or June 9-12. The PCHS Registrar, Jennifer Frink, will contact approved new families via email the first week of May to schedule appointments. Due to graduation and end of year wrap up, enrollments completed after June 1 may not be able to schedule an appointment until August. 
NOTE: 8th and 9th graders completing the year at TMJH will continue their enrollment into 9th and 10th grade at PCHS. You do not enroll them as new students.

STEP 1 - District Enrollment with the District Registrar.

  • See the New Student Enrollment page on the District website for a list of required documents and to access the online enrollment system. 
  • Vaya a la página de Inscripción de Nuevos Estudiantes y haga clic en la pestaña "Spanish."
  • TRANSCRIPT REQUIRED: You will be required to provide a copy of your student’s full high school transcript showing ALL grades/credits completed in grades 9-12 to date, so be sure to get an unofficial copy from your previous school. This is required for determining class placements and drafting the student's graduation plan. (We will request official records from the school, but not until AFTER your student is enrolled.)
  • If you want to transfer from a local charter school (Winter Sports School or Weilenmann), please see the "Can my Charter school student transfer to a District school?" section below for additional information and requirements.
  • Questions about the enrollment process, proof of residency, district boundaries, or required documents? Contact the District Registrar, Karim Morrison, at, or 435-645-5600 ext 1421. Se habla español.

STEP 2 - School Enrollment with the PCHS Registrar. 

  • AFTER the District Registrar has approved your student's enrollment, and their file has been transferred to the school, the PCHS Registrar will contact you to finalize your enrollment and schedule your counselor appointment. This is when you'll meet with the Counselor to discuss the student's class schedule and graduation plan. Counselors can ONLY meet with families who have been approved for enrollment by the District Registrar.
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure you've provided us with an unofficial copy of your student’s FULL high school transcript showing ALL grades/credits completed in grades 9-12 to date BEFORE your meeting. This is required for determining class placements and drafting the student's graduation plan. (We will request official records from the school, but not until AFTER your student is enrolled.)
  • Prepare for your appointment by exploring the PCHS Course Catalog and our graduation requirements.
  • Questions about Park City High School, transferring credits, graduation requirements, course offerings, etc.? Contact the PCHS Registrar, Jennifer Frink, at or 435-645-5657 ext 2067. If you are outside of the United States, please use email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to PCHS!  Here’s where you find information on…

Some general school year info is provided on the Back to School Information page.
School Fees (fees/waivers, parking permits, yearbooks, athletics/activities payments)
Student Handbook
Attendance Office and Policy 
Athletics, Activities and Clubs 
PCHS Graduation Requirements
Technology Center and School Laptops
School Nurse
Bus Information
Lunch and Breakfast Information
PTSO Information 
Special Education Services

Park City High School Registrar:

Jennifer Frink
435-645-5657, ext 2067  (if you are outside of the United States, please use email)
Fax: 435-645-5658
The Registrar’s office is located in the PCHS Counseling Center. Office hours are 7:15am to 3:00pm on school days.