School Fees
The Park City Board of Education affirms the principle that public education should be free to the patrons of the school district and that barriers to public education should be removed wherever possible. In that effort, the Board has waived the fee requirements for mandatory and academic fees. The Board’s action is not a categorical waiver of all fees. Fees subject to this action include fees for elective courses and general education expenses. This action does not extend at this time to extracurricular fees and other fees for activities conducted outside the normal hours of the school day. In all cases, overdue school fees are subject to state law and the district waiver policy.
See the District School Fees page for this year’s adopted fee schedule. The School Board has waived the fee requirements for academic courses, elective courses, and general education expenses.
Extracurricular Activities, AP Tests, Concurrent Enrollment, and Credit Remediation are not covered by the Board’s waiver of fees at this time. However, assistance for these fees is available.
Fee Waiver Applications can be used when assessing extracurricular fees and some other class-related fees. You can download the fee waiver application below, or pick one up at the school in the Main Office. You must provide proof of income with your application and submit it to the Finance Secretary in the Main Office.
Optional fees (not covered by the Board’s waiver or the fee waiver application) include parking permits, yearbook purchases, laptop damage or deductibles, Park City Education Foundation donations, PTSO fees, etc.
Direct all questions about fees and fee waivers to the Finance Secretary in the Main Office.
Optional Fees and Meal Accounts
Optional Fees: Some optional fees can be paid online with a credit card or e-check via eFunds for Schools. eFunds allows you to make payments any time from home and you even have the option to make recurring payments or installments. You can pay for all of your district students on one eFunds account. You will need your child(ren)’s 5-digit student number. Payments can also be made by cash, check, or card in person in the Main Office (no American Express). In-person credit card payments will be processed through eFunds. If you prefer not to use eFunds, you must pay with cash or check payable to Park City High School.
Meal Accounts: Add money to your student’s breakfast/lunch account via PayPAMS. Balances roll over each year. Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available in the Main Office or can be downloaded via the link below. For information on meal account refunds or sibling transfers, see the district's Child Nutrition pages.
Parking Permits: For information about student parking, see the Parking Permits page. Fee waivers do not cover parking permits.
Sports and Extracurricular Activities: Park City High School uses for the UHSAA student-athlete and activities registration process. Students involved in those activities can pay their participation fees via RegisterMyAthlete or in person in the Main Office.
Yearbooks: Yearbooks must be ordered and purchased through Jostens. See the Back to School Information page for the Jostens link. Fee waivers do not apply to yearbooks.
PTSO: Membership fees and donations are paid directly to the PTSO. Please contact the PTSO directly with questions.
Park City Education Foundation (PCEF): Donations can be paid directly on the PCEF Donations page.
School Fee Waivers and Annual Notices
School Fee Waiver applications and Free and Reduced Lunch applications are available in the Main Office or via the links below. Please see the Finance Secretary in the Main Office if you need help or have questions.
School Fees Notice:
School Fees Notice for Families of Students in Grades 7-12
Aviso de tarifas escolares para familias de estudiantes en grados 7-12
School Fee Waiver Application:
Fee Waiver Application (Grades 7-12)
Solicitud de exención de cuotas (grados 7-12)
Miscellaneous Forms and Info:
Utah State Board of Education School Fees website:
School Fees Information Poster in English and Spanish
Appeal of Community Service Assignment | Apelación de la asignación de servicio comunitario
Community Service Assignment and Notice of Appeal Rights | Asignación de servicio comunitario y aviso de derechos de apelación
Community Service Obligations | Obligaciones de servicio a la comunidad
Fee Waiver Decision and Appeal Form | Decisión de exención de cuotas y formulario de apelación
Free and Reduced Lunch
The links below will take you to the district’s Child Nutrition webpage. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to download the application in English or Spanish. There is also a link to download the application in 33 languages.
USDA Free and Reduced Price School Lunch Application
Solicitud para familias de comidas gratis o a precio reducido en Español