Student Handbook
Student Handbook and School Policies
- Academics
- Attendance - Coming soon!
- Behavior and Discipline
- Cell Phones and Electronic Devices - Coming soon!
- Dress Code - Coming soon!
- E-Hall Pass
PCHS assumes responsibility for developing a climate espousing honesty. School practices shall be designed to reward honest behavior, discourage dishonest behavior, take reasonable preventative measures, and protect the rights of the majority of consistently honest students. Our school provides instruction and support for students to understand and adhere to the code of academic honesty.
Cheating and Academic Integrity:
Cheating, plagiarism, and the unauthorized possession of exams, papers, computer programs, or other materials are examples of violations of academic integrity. Teachers have the right to assign a zero or allow an alternative assignment/assessment. Administrators and parents/guardians will be notified by the teacher. Ongoing incidents will result in escalating consequences.
Grading Philosophy:
Park City High School is committed to providing all students the opportunity to grow as college and career-ready citizens of the world.
The Board requires that a student receive a grade or mark for each class taken for credit. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that the grade adequately reflects a student’s learning.
Teachers will issue letter grades, which are converted to GPA based on the following scale:
A = 4.0 B- = 2.7 D+ = 1.3
A- = 3.7 C+ = 2.3 D = 1.0
B+ = 3.3 C = 2.0 D- = 0.7
B = 3.0 C- = 1.7 F = 0
Valedictorian and Salutatorian are chosen based on weighted GPA. Weighted grades (.0125) will be added for Advanced Placement grades of A, B, or C each quarter.
Honor Roll:
Honor roll and high honor roll is a recognition awarded to those students who achieve a high measure of success in their course of study at PCHS based upon the following criteria:
- Obtained a 3.5 to 3.69 simple GPA for that quarter (Honor Roll)
- Obtained a 3.7 or higher simple GPA for that quarter (High Honor Roll)
Students will be included in class ranking as long as they are eligible to obtain a diploma from PCHS and are currently enrolled in one or more classes at Park City High School. Seniors who withdraw early to complete graduation requirements with outside credits will not be included in this ranking.
Teachers will update grades at least once every 2 weeks.
Report cards are issued every quarter. Report cards will be available online in PowerSchool. Parents are asked to review the report cards with their students and to consult with the teachers if they wish. Progress reports will be available online at the midpoint of the quarter.
Two parent/teacher conferences are also scheduled for the year.
Parents may check student progress on PowerSchool:
Park City High School offers a robust college and career prep curriculum, with options available to meet the individual needs of students. Each year, school counselors work with students individually through College and Career Readiness (CCR) Meetings to discuss course planning to ensure both rigor and relevance. To learn more about the options available to students please see the PCHS Course Catalog 2024-2025.
Attendance - Coming soon!
Behavior and Discipline
Behavior and Discipline
Behavior Expectations:
Park City High School is committed to creating a welcoming and safe school environment with consistent classroom expectations and consequences for ALL students. To achieve this, we are implementing a positive behavior intervention system (PBIS) and are working to build a consistent schoolwide culture. Our approach is to build all we do around the following PCHS expectations:
H.ard working
All year, different activities are held to complement, highlight, and incentivize individuals or groups of students to demonstrate these important school expectations.
Restorative Practices and Accountability:
The majority of our PCHS students demonstrate positive behavior choices every day. As a student is involved in a minor conflict or incident, teachers, staff, and administration will use restorative practices to assist students in a process that helps them reflect on and be held accountable for their behavior. This means that the student who caused harm will be asked to reflect, in writing or through a conversation with an adult, on their behavior and develop a plan that “repairs the harm” with all parties involved. This process teaches positive behavior changes and supports the student during the process. All students will experience a fair process and be treated with dignity and respect. Our goal is to use all student choices as opportunities to learn and grow.
PCHS utilizes a Behavior Flowchart which details potential behavior and the progression of discipline used to address it.
Discipline/Sanctions for Misconduct:
It is recognized that some students will not always act in accordance with our PCHS rules and regulations. When possible, the school will provide students with an opportunity to self-correct inappropriate behavior. Reference the “Behavior Flowchart” as a framework for managing these situations and conversations.
When circumstances indicate a need for more stringent action, the school will enforce the rules and regulations with appropriate sanctions. Those sanctions may include in-school suspension, suspension, referral to the police, or, in extreme cases, recommendation for a long-term suspension to the Board of Education.
The goal of any school should be to have students in class as much as possible. Our suspension policy attempts to reflect that goal while holding students responsible for their actions. Procedures for suspension follow Park City School Board policies, including in-school and out-of-school suspension. For major suspensions, the administration of PCHS will do everything possible to limit the time out of class. The administration and staff of the high school will work with students on major suspensions on term projects and tests that make up a significant part of the grade for the marking period. Students who are suspended will not be able to take part in any extra-curricular school-sponsored activities or events (i.e. sports, drama, field trips, dances, etc.), even if these events occur off campus during the time of suspension.
Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Vaping
Being under the influence or acting as if under the influence, or possessing, selling, or using any item that may be considered an alcoholic beverage, tobacco, unlawful narcotic, or drug on school property or at school activities can result in the suspension of up to one full calendar year. Students may not be in possession of any drugs, alcohol, or paraphernalia on their person, in their locker, backpack, or vehicle. Any individual selling an illegal substance in or around the school will face criminal code violations and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Please be aware of the district medication policy as well.
The zero tolerance for drugs policy at Park City High School is strictly enforced
on campus and at all school-sponsored activities regardless of on or off campus!
Conduct at ALL School Functions:
All rules and regulations will be enforced at these activities. Any student leaving a school-sponsored dance after being admitted will not be permitted to return to the activity. A student without a Park City High identification card will not be allowed at a PCHS-sponsored dance. Guests may be brought to a PCHS-sponsored dance if a PCHS student sponsors the guest, the guest is age 20 or less and has been pre-registered in the attendance office at least 24 hours in advance. The guest must also agree to abide by the PCHS and PCSD rules. Ninth Grade students will be invited to participate in select PCHS functions.
Zero Tolerance:
The Park City School District is a Zero Tolerance district. Zero Tolerance includes the understanding that the behaviors listed below are unacceptable and when an allegation is brought forth, it will be investigated and appropriate consequences will be issued. Progressive discipline is also utilized for repeat offenders.
The following are NOT tolerated at PCHS at any time. Please tell an adult if you are ever aware of something from this list happening at school:
- Harassment
- including racist, homophobic, and anti-semitic speech
- Bullying / Cyberbullying
- including online harassment and sexting
Sexual Harassment
Gang Activity
Weapons of any kind
Look-alike weapons
In addition, online harassment and "sexting" will result in possible disciplinary action and police involvement.
An online reporting form has been established to report any infractions. Go to this link.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices - Coming soon!
Dress Code - Coming soon!
E-Hall Pass
Our PCHS E-Hallpass is an innovative digital hall pass system revolutionizing safety, accountability, and efficiency in K-12 schools. This cutting-edge solution transforms antiquated paper hall passes into a streamlined, digital process benefiting students, teachers, and administrators. The E-Hallpass allows students to request and receive electronic passes to leave class, move between locations, or tend to needs outside the classroom. The process is simple. Students log into the E-Hallpass system on a computer to submit a pass request indicating their destination and reason. The teacher reviews the request on their device and can approve or deny it with a single click. A list of the supports and capabilities of our E Hallpass include:
- Custom hall pass types – Restroom, nurse, guidance counselor, etc.
Configurable time limits for each pass
Teacher dashboard for reviewing and approving requests
Scanner app for staff to validate passes in halls
Alerts if students don’t return promptly
Kiosk mode for easy student check-in/out
Detailed reporting on student movements
Privacy controls and access restrictions
For students misusing the program, there will be appropriate consequences with a focus on restorative practices, contact to the home,
and consistency.
Additional Hallway and Safety Information
Students are allotted a five-minute passing period between each class. Students are expected to treat this passing period with urgency, completing all necessary socializing, business, etc. in between classes so that they may arrive on time to their next class.
- Walking and good citizenship are expected behaviors
Students allotted hallway breaks are expected to stay within the hall of their class. For example, A student in a Spanish class is not permitted to use the restroom in the math/science hallway.
Students use the E-Hallpass to access the halls during class time.
Running, play-fighting, pushing, or using profanity are not acceptable.
Students are required to leave cell phones in class during class time.
Students must are required to let a teacher know in advance when they need access to their cell phone during class.